
China to build 100 hospitals, clinics in Africa


07-Oct-15 The Chinese government will build 100 hospitals and clinics across Africa as part of a plan to improve health systems. "Learning from the EVD [Ebola Virus Disease] crisis, Chinese and African leaders in the health sectors fully support a new, well-funded, and functional international response system to manage future pandemics," said South Africa's Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi. [image: CP Africa]

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China's doctors urge more hypertension intervention


30-Sep-15 Experts in China are urging more intensive management of hypertension in the nation, where 330 million people are affected by the illness. As in the US, guidelines in China recommend a maximum systolic pressure of 140. But a maximum of 120 could help save lives of over 50s with at least one additional risk factor, a US study has found. [image: China Daily]

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China’s high cancer drug prices create a market in Hong Kong


09-Oct-15 Many treatments, including Herceptin and Gilead Sciences’ Sovaldi for hepatitis C, are either unavailable or more expensive in China than elsewhere. Aside from the lower price, visitors to Hong Kong from the mainland also prefer to buy their medicine there because they believe it is less likely to be counterfeit. [image: Bloomberg Business]

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IHG and Wanda announce 23 year partnership in Qingdao


29-Sep-15 With International Hospitals Group’s support, Wanda Group will build, equip and commission a new 200 bed international standard hospital in Qingdao over the next three years. IHG will then operate the hospital under a 20 year lease until 2038. [image: PR Newswire]

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Siemens Healthcare aims for leadership in China


24-Sep-15 Siemens Healthcare, which became a separate legal entity in 2014, expects to be a market leader in every segment of its industry, and the Chinese market will be a core part of this plan for the next decade. “We are now trying to increase our product portfolio, and keep on innovating to produce more affordable healthcare products,” CEO Bernd Montag said. [image: Siemens]

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